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Type:Wild - English Version

Remembering the days I trained hard and I played

in our Pallet Town

Feeling so proud of the friends I made

Knowing that our goals are the same

The sneakers that I wear the coolest of all pair

Take me everywhere

You'll only find them in Pallet Town

Worn out but the best you will find

They help me get through my journeys

Time after time

And before you know it..........TYPE: WILD!
Gonna reach my goal.............TYPE: WILD!
Keep on going............TYPE: WILD!
Gonna be strong...........TYPE: WILD!

Traveling by day, competing along the way

Is my history

No guides or maps to tell me where I'm going

My heart just leads the way

Friends I made while traveling

Help me to keep going

A master is what I'm gonna be

I'm getting there but not easily

But I can't stop

Trying to be what I wanna be

And before you know it..........TYPE: WILD!
Gonna reach my goal.............TYPE: WILD!
Keep on going............TYPE: WILD!
Gonna be strong...........TYPE: WILD!

And before you know it..........TYPE: WILD!
Gonna reach my goal.............TYPE: WILD!
Keep on going............TYPE: WILD!
Gonna be strong...........TYPE: WILD!

For I know, this will be reality

So follow all your dream
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